Niti hrvatski istraživači nisu propustili da se pozabave ovim problemima. U nastavku je lista projekata i radova koji su napisani, iako negdje radovi zbog objave nisu preneseni u cijelosti. S obzirom da su navedena područja radova te autori, lako ih možete pronaći i kontaktirati ako imate više pitanja.
Elektromagnetski smog i učinci na žive sustave
Autor: Ivančica Trošić
Jedna od možda najvećih prijetnji čovječanstvu danas je elektromagnetsko zagađenje u okolišu. Opasnost je tim veća što ga ljudi nisu svijesni, a negativne posljedice se mogu manifestirati tek nakom dužeg perioda izloženosti. Osim toga, negativni učinci elektromagnetskog zagađenja se ne prepoznaju kao takvi nego se najčešće dovode u vezu s drugim čimbenicima kao što su stres, nasljedne osobine ili prehrana. Službena medicina predvođena Svjetskom zdravstvenom organizacijom (WHO) umanjuje opasnosti od korištenja aparature koju pogoni neionizirajuće zračenje, iako raste broj sve težih oboljenja i to kod sve mlađe populacije. Smatra se da je svako umjetno stvoreno elektromagnetsko zračenje po svojoj prirodi štetno za žive, uravnotežene bio-energetske jedinke. Uređaji bežičnog komunikacijskog sustava koriste radiofrekvencijsko- mikrovalni pojas elektromagnetskog spektra. Valovi prodiru duboko u organizam gdje su sposobni izazvati štetu u koherentnom odnosu s domaćinovim unutarnjim elektromagnetskm poljem. U svojoj naravi, neionizirajuće elektromagnetsko polje je pojava koja se opisuje s transverzalnim vektorima električnog i magnetskog polja, te manje poznatog skalarnog polja. Svaki živi organizam ima odlike skalarnog prijemnika i odašiljača. Dokazano je da se interakcija tih suptilnih unutarnjih i dolazećih energija odvija na molekularnoj razini uzrokujući disbalans u staničnim procesima. Stoga je opravdano postaviti pitanje zašto službene organizacije koje brinu za javno zdravstvo i dalje dovode u sumnju da elektromagnetska radiofrekventna i mikrovalna zračenja ispod razine definiranih međunarodnih važećih limita imaju biološki učinak na žive organizme. Unatoč stajalištu World Health Organization (WHO) kako „ postoje konzistentni dokazi za štetne zdravstvene efekte kod izloženosti zračenju koje su ispod međunarodnih propisa“, Food and Drug Admistration (FDA) da " postoji dokaz koji vezuje upotrebu mobitela s povećanim rizikom od tumora mozga" i Health Canada (HC) da " postoji konačan dokaz za dugotrajni ili kumulativni zdravstveni rizik uslijed izlaganja radiofrekventnom zračenju niskog intenziteta" bit će predočeni suprotni dokazi.
Cell oxidation-reduction imbalance after modulated radiofrequency radiationAutori: Marjanovic, Ana Marija; Pavicic, Ivan; Trosic, Ivancica
Abstract Aim of this study was to evaluate an influence of modulated radiofrequency field (RF) of 1800 MHz, strength of 30 V/m on oxidation-reduction processes within the cell. The assigned RF field was generated within Gigahertz Transversal Electromagnetic Mode cell equipped by signal generator, modulator, and amplifier. Cell line V79, was irradiated for 10, 30, and 60 min, specific absorption rate was calculated to be 1.6 W/kg. Cell metabolic activity and viability was determined by MTT assay. In order to define total protein content, colorimetric method was used. Concentration of oxidised proteins was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) marked with fluorescent probe 2', 7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate were measured by means of plate reader device. In comparison with control cell samples, metabolic activity and total protein content in exposed cells did not differ significantly. Concentrations of carbonyl derivates, a product of protein oxidation, insignificantly but continuously increase with duration of exposure. In exposed samples, ROS level significantly (p < 0.05) increased after 10 min of exposure. Decrease in ROS level was observed after 30-min treatment indicating antioxidant defence mechanism activation. In conclusion, under the given laboratory conditions, modulated RF radiation might cause impairment in cell oxidation-reduction equilibrium within the growing cells.
Since nonthermal biological effects and mechanisms of RF/MW radiation are still uncertain, laboratory studies on animal models, tissues, cells, and cell free system are of extraordinary importance in bioelectromagnetic Research. One of the plausible mechanisms is connected with generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Depending on concentration, ROS can have both beneficial and deleterious effects. Positive effects are connected with cell signalling, defence against infectious agents, and proliferative cell ability. On the other hand, excessive production, which overloads antioxidant defence mechanism, leads to cellular damage with serious potential for disease development. ROS concentration increase within the cell caused by RF/MW radiation seems to be a biologically relevant hypothesis to give clear insight into the RF/MW action at non-thermal level of radiation.
Effect of electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation on the rats’ brain, liver and kidney cells measured by comet assay.,
The goal of study was to evaluate DNA damage in rat’s renal, liver and brain cells after in vivo exposure to radiofrequency/microwave (Rf/Mw) radiation of cellular phone frequencies range. To determine DNA damage, a single cell gel electrophoresis/comet assay was used. Wistar rats (male, 12 week old, approximate body weight 350 g) (N = 9) were exposed to the carrier frequency of 915 MHz with Global System Mobile signal modulation (GSM), power density of 2.4 W/m2, whole body average specific absorption rate SAR of 0.6 W/kg. The results of this study suggest that, under the experimental conditions applied, repeated 915 MHz irradiation could be a cause of DNA breaks in renal and liver cells, but not affect the cell genome at the higher extent compared to the basal damage.
Ivančica Trošić ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ivan Pavičić ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ivana Bušljeta ; Belupo d.d., Zagreb, Hrvatska
Mirjana Mataušić-Pišl ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sanja Milković-Kraus ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Non-thermal biomarkers of exposure to radiofrequency/microwave radiation.,
Non-thermal biomarkers of exposure to radiofrequency/microwave radiation.,
Trošić I, Pavičić I, Marjanović AM, Bušljeta I., 2012
We have found that RF/MW radiation disturbs cell proliferation and leads to cell differentiation in the bone marrow, which is reflected in the peripheral blood of rats. Repeated RF/MW radiation can also temporarily disrupt melatonin turnover. The observed changes seem to be a sign of adaptation to stress caused by irradiation rather than of malfunction. The article looks further into the basic mechanisms of RF/MW biological action, including cell growth parameters, colony-forming ability, viability, and the polar and apolar protein cytoskeleton structures. The observed reversible cell changes significantly obstructed cell growth.
Biological indicators in response to radiofrequency/microwave exposure,
Biological indicators in response to radiofrequency/microwave exposure,
Marjanović AM, Pavičić I, Trošić I. 2012 Sep
Since nonthermal biological effects and mechanisms of RF/MW radiation are still uncertain, laboratory studies on animal models, tissues, cells, and cell free system are of extraordinary importance in bioelectromagnetic Research. One of the plausible mechanisms is connected with generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Depending on concentration, ROS can have both beneficial and deleterious effects. Positive effects are connected with cell signalling, defence against infectious agents, and proliferative cell ability. On the other hand, excessive production, which overloads antioxidant defence mechanism, leads to cellular damage with serious potential for disease development. ROS concentration increase within the cell caused by RF/MW radiation seems to be a biologically relevant hypothesis to give clear insight into the RF/MW action at non-thermal level of radiation.
Effect of electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation on the rats’ brain, liver and kidney cells measured by comet assay.,
Trosić I, Pavicić I, Milković-Kraus S, Mladinić M, Zeljezić D., 2011 Dec
The goal of study was to evaluate DNA damage in rat’s renal, liver and brain cells after in vivo exposure to radiofrequency/microwave (Rf/Mw) radiation of cellular phone frequencies range. To determine DNA damage, a single cell gel electrophoresis/comet assay was used. Wistar rats (male, 12 week old, approximate body weight 350 g) (N = 9) were exposed to the carrier frequency of 915 MHz with Global System Mobile signal modulation (GSM), power density of 2.4 W/m2, whole body average specific absorption rate SAR of 0.6 W/kg. The results of this study suggest that, under the experimental conditions applied, repeated 915 MHz irradiation could be a cause of DNA breaks in renal and liver cells, but not affect the cell genome at the higher extent compared to the basal damage.
Stručni rad: Djelovanje radiofrekvencijskog pojasa neionizirajućeg elektromagnetskog zračenja na razini stanice
Ivančica Trošić ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ivan Pavičić ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ivana Bušljeta ; Belupo d.d., Zagreb, Hrvatska
Mirjana Mataušić-Pišl ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sanja Milković-Kraus ; Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Svrha rada je procjena biološkog djelovanja zračenja radiofrekvencijskog (RF) pojasa visokih frekvencija niskog intenziteta na stanične makromolekularne strukture; DNA te mikrotubularna, aktinska i vimentinska vlakna citoskeleta u kontroliranim uvjetima. U istraživanju su korištena dva pokusna modela, životinjski i stanice u kulturi. Štakori (n=40) podijeljeni su u 4 podskupine kako bi svaka za sebe bila zračena. Prva podskupina zračena je 4 h, druga 16 h, treća 30 h i četvrta 60 h. Životinje su žrtvovane 2., 8., 15. i 30. dana pokusa. U istraživanje je bila uključena i kontrolna skupina (n=24). Štakori su podvrgnuti RF zračenju frekvencije 2450 MHz i prosječne gustoće snage elektromagnetskog zračenja 7,5 mW cm-2 (specifične apsorbirana snaga – SAR = 1,25 W kg-1). Stanični uzorci linije V79 izlagani su 1 h, 2 h i 3 h RF zračenju frekvencije 915 MHz, jakosti električnog polja 10 V m-1 (SAR = 0,2 W kg-1). U istraživanju je proveden mikronukleusni test na stanicama in vivo i in vitro. U prvoj fazi istraživanja in vivo nađeno je značajno povišenje broja polikromatskih eritrocita s mikronukleusom (MN) u perifernoj krvi štakora nakon osam tretmana zračenja po dva sata svaki. Genotoksičnost RF zračenja istražena je izlaganjem trajne kulture V79 stanica kontroliranim uvjetima zračenja u istom RF pojasu elektromagnetskog spektra. In vitro studija je pokazala da je značajno povišenje broja stanica s MN i oštećenje polarnih proteinskih vlakana mikrotubula i aktina povezano s duljinom izloženosti zračenju (p<0,05). Naša su istraživanja potvrdila i u in vivo i u in vitro pokusnim uvjetima mogućnost nepoželjnih učinaka radiofrekvencijskih polja na razini polarnih makromolekularnih struktura u stanicama.
In comparison to the controls, cell proliferation declined in cells exposed for three hours 72 h after irradiation (p < 0.05).Microtubule structure was clearly altered immediately after three hours of irradiation (p < 0.05). The mitotic index in RF/MW-exposed cells did not differ from negative controls. However, even if exposure did not affect the number of dividing cells, it may have slowed down cell division kinetics as a consequence of microtubule impairment immediately after exposure.
Cell samples were exposed to a 935 MHz continuous wave frequency field for 1, 2, and 3 h. The structure of microtubule proteins has been determined using the immunocytochemical method. Cell growth was determined by cell counts for each hour of exposure during five post-exposure days. Negative- and positive-cell controls were included into the experimental procedure. In comparison with control cells, the microtubule structure clearly altered after 3h of irradiation (p<0.05). Significantly decreased growth was noted in cells exposed for 3h three days after irradiation (p<0.05). It seems that the 935 MHz, low-level UHF radiation affects microtubule proteins, which consequently may obstruct cell growth.
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on mammalian spermatogenesis,
The effects of radiofrequencies on reproductive health and consequences for the offspring are still mainly unknown. A number of in vivo and in vitro studies indicated that RF fields could interact with charged intracellular macromolecular structures. Results of several laboratory studies on animal models showed how the RF fields could affect the mammalian reproductive system and sperm cells. Inasmuch as, in normal physiological conditions spermatogenesis is a balanced process of division, maturation and storage of cells, it is particularly vulnerable to the chemical and physical environmental stimuli. Especially sensitive could be the cytoskeleton, composed of charged proteins; actin, intermedial filaments and
microtubules. Cytoskeleton is a functional and structural part of the cell that has important role in the sperm motility, and is actively involved in the morphologic changes that occur during mammalian spermiogenesis.
Impact of radiofrequency/microwave radiation on cell and cytoskeleton structure,
A number of in vitro studies have attempted to see whether permissible levels of RF/MW affect the cell membrane, gene transcription, apoptosis, and whether they induce stress. However, the effect of RF/MW on the cytoskeleton, one of the most important cell structures, remains unknown. Cytoskeleton is a functional and structural part of the cell, composed of actin, intermedial filaments and microtubules.
Disturbance of cell proliferation in response to mobile phone frequency radiation.
Disturbance of cell proliferation in response to mobile phone frequency radiation.
Trosić I, Pavicić I. 2009 Mar
In comparison to the controls, cell proliferation declined in cells exposed for three hours 72 h after irradiation (p < 0.05).Microtubule structure was clearly altered immediately after three hours of irradiation (p < 0.05). The mitotic index in RF/MW-exposed cells did not differ from negative controls. However, even if exposure did not affect the number of dividing cells, it may have slowed down cell division kinetics as a consequence of microtubule impairment immediately after exposure.
In vitro testing of cellular response to ultra high frequency electromagnetic field radiation,
In vitro testing of cellular response to ultra high frequency electromagnetic field radiation,
Pavicic I, Trosic I., 2008 Aug
Cell samples were exposed to a 935 MHz continuous wave frequency field for 1, 2, and 3 h. The structure of microtubule proteins has been determined using the immunocytochemical method. Cell growth was determined by cell counts for each hour of exposure during five post-exposure days. Negative- and positive-cell controls were included into the experimental procedure. In comparison with control cells, the microtubule structure clearly altered after 3h of irradiation (p<0.05). Significantly decreased growth was noted in cells exposed for 3h three days after irradiation (p<0.05). It seems that the 935 MHz, low-level UHF radiation affects microtubule proteins, which consequently may obstruct cell growth.
Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on mammalian spermatogenesis,
Susa M, Pavicić I. 2007 Dec
The effects of radiofrequencies on reproductive health and consequences for the offspring are still mainly unknown. A number of in vivo and in vitro studies indicated that RF fields could interact with charged intracellular macromolecular structures. Results of several laboratory studies on animal models showed how the RF fields could affect the mammalian reproductive system and sperm cells. Inasmuch as, in normal physiological conditions spermatogenesis is a balanced process of division, maturation and storage of cells, it is particularly vulnerable to the chemical and physical environmental stimuli. Especially sensitive could be the cytoskeleton, composed of charged proteins; actin, intermedial filaments and
microtubules. Cytoskeleton is a functional and structural part of the cell that has important role in the sperm motility, and is actively involved in the morphologic changes that occur during mammalian spermiogenesis.
Impact of radiofrequency/microwave radiation on cell and cytoskeleton structure,
Pavicić I., 2004 Nov
A number of in vitro studies have attempted to see whether permissible levels of RF/MW affect the cell membrane, gene transcription, apoptosis, and whether they induce stress. However, the effect of RF/MW on the cytoskeleton, one of the most important cell structures, remains unknown. Cytoskeleton is a functional and structural part of the cell, composed of actin, intermedial filaments and microtubules.
2007. -
Biološki pokazatelji djelovanja elektromagnetskog neionizirajućeg zračenja
2002. - 2006.
Biomedicinski učinci radiofrekventnog mikrovalnog zračenja
(HR) Korištenje emitera elektromagnetska zračenja širi se u industriji, medicini, prometu i kućanstvu. Opća izloženost radiofrekventnom mikrovalnom zračenju prijeti iz elektroenergetskih i RTV mreža, radarskih, telekomunikacijskih, medicinskih, kućanskih uređaja. Mehanizam djelovanja neionizirajućeg zračenja na biološki sustav nije poznat. Cjelovit uvid u učinke zračenja moguće je dobiti ozračivanjem životinja, a mehanizam djelovanja na kulturi stanica. Rezultati dosadašnjeg istraživanja ukazuju da mikrovalovi (RF/MW) u određenim vremenskim intervalima, u štakora imaju učinak na perifernu krv, padom broja limfocita i porastom broja eritrocita, na koštanu srž inhibicijom limfocitopoeze, a u plućima stimuliraju mukocilijarni klirens čestica uz pojavu višejezgrenih fagocita.
Biomedicinski učinci radiofrekventnog mikrovalnog zračenja
Voditelj: Ivančica Trošić (Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa RH (2002.-2006.))
(HR) Korištenje emitera elektromagnetska zračenja širi se u industriji, medicini, prometu i kućanstvu. Opća izloženost radiofrekventnom mikrovalnom zračenju prijeti iz elektroenergetskih i RTV mreža, radarskih, telekomunikacijskih, medicinskih, kućanskih uređaja. Mehanizam djelovanja neionizirajućeg zračenja na biološki sustav nije poznat. Cjelovit uvid u učinke zračenja moguće je dobiti ozračivanjem životinja, a mehanizam djelovanja na kulturi stanica. Rezultati dosadašnjeg istraživanja ukazuju da mikrovalovi (RF/MW) u određenim vremenskim intervalima, u štakora imaju učinak na perifernu krv, padom broja limfocita i porastom broja eritrocita, na koštanu srž inhibicijom limfocitopoeze, a u plućima stimuliraju mukocilijarni klirens čestica uz pojavu višejezgrenih fagocita.
Toplo se nadam a u nadi je spas,da će netko pozvati našu vrijednu znanstvenicu Ivančicu Trošić koja je ponosno zastupala hrvatsku dajući svoj potpis za međunarodni apel znanstvenika zbog izlaganja ljudske populacije emz vf da održi predavanje na JAVNOJ TRIBINI U NASTAVNOM ZAVODU ZA JAVNO ZDRAVSTVO 'ANDRIJA ŠTAMPAR' na temi E-ŠKOLA itd.Tu blago od žene treba upozoriti na uskoro prisilno zakonsko ugrađivanje bežičnih mjernih uređaja u svaki dom-bežični strujomjeri,vodomjeri,plinomjeri,toplinski razdjeljnici itd.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJedna takava znanstvenica ,takvog kalibra kao Ivančica T. bi mogla sa svojim izlaganjem jako puno napraviti za lijepu našu da stvarno bude prekokrasna a dr.termofil bu podvil rep i rekao kak je on svojim izjavama baš htio isprovocirati,potaknuti raspravu da svimu bude bolje i da je on zaslužan za pozitivnu promjenu